Candidate Message
My name is Jeffery Ware and I am running for the Bell County Republican Party Chair position.
The future of the Bell County's Republican Party depends upon volunteers like you and me. The Chair leads party volunteers on behalf of the voters and candidates.
As County Chair, I will provide you and candidates a greater opportunity in being involved in defining the future of Bell County's Republican Party.
I have committed much of my life to volunteer service. I will volunteer my next two years as the Republican Party Chair in much the same way as I have in the past.
I volunteered in my community as a Cub Scout and Boy Scout of America. I was recognized by my local community for individually achieving the rank of Eagle Scout.
I also volunteered in the United States Army. I was recognized by our nation in rewarding me a retirement. I continued to volunteer another three years specifically in response to 9/11. I served in 5th and 10th Special Forces Groups and 96th Civil Affairs for conflicts inIraq and the SETAF INF Brigade in supporting actions in Africa and Eastern Europe. I am still involved in our nation's foreign and domestic policies in countering communists, terrorists, and dictators.
I will be relinquishing my current positions as Precinct Chair and Ballot Review Board Presiding Judge. I have served Bell County's Republican Party as the Vice Chair, Precinct Election Presiding Judge, Precinct Election Clerk, and volunteering physical support in numerous party activities and campaigns. I have run for City Council, supported a mayoral race, and stood out on many intersections in all types of weather on behalf of our Republican candidates.
These volunteer phases in my life have prepared me for the challenges in leading as the chair in our volunteer organization the Bell County Republican Party.
Leaders in Bell County and Texans from other counties started asking me six months ago to run. These mentors and much respected counselors of political antics know that I will bring fairness and information to our community voters. Voters who need someone to give them the time and support to be Bell County Republican Party volunteers. Republican Party volunteers who will support candidates and even possibly run for office.
Ultimately the County Party Chair volunteers to serve the election process and those who further the Republican Party Platform. My campaign motto is Fairness and Information.
Fairness: A top priority is sustaining Bell County's election integrity. Our county is a leading example in election integrity, active involvement in updating Texas election laws, and pursing election fraud.
Information: Voters who are willing to be involved in politics should be educated and given the opportunity to participate. The best place to begin to learn about local politics and how politics works is in the Bell County Republican Party committees.
We need strong committees and volunteers like you and me to address local issues. I do not believe that most political activity should be held behind closed doors by a few. I see your actions within the Bell County Republican Party committees as providing you the opportunity in directing our governing officials.
The need for committees within the party to address local political concerns are necessary in order to change the path our governing politics is on. Those national issues that we and media talk about begin and end at the local level of government. Issues like taxes, property rights, energy services, protection of private information held by government entities, religious assembly, whether a church activity and business is essential, and protecting the child's health, education, and parental role.
I am blessed to be in Bell County at this time and to have the honor to lead Republican volunteers. It is amazing how we all can come together to be better informed and make a difference in ensuring our Republic form of government treats us fairly in Texas and nationally.
My name is Jeffery Ware and I would appreciate your vote for Bell County Republican Chair. Thank you all for your time and future commitment to the Republican Party.
You may contact me during the campaign at 1votecounts@jefferyware.com.
Run for Bell Country Republican Party Chair Announcement
I am honored to answer the numerous calls by Republicans, officials, friends, and neighbors who asked me to consider running for Bell County Chairperson.
As of 15 November 2021, I have filed to be a candidate for the Bell County Chair of the Republican Party in the Tuesday, March 1, 2022, Primary Election.
I appreciate the support my family, neighbors, and friends have given me in making it possible for me to serve the Bell County Community in my previous Republican Party duties and activities. I continue to run on INFORMATION & FAIRNESS.
The County Chair position is a volunteer position and is not a paid position. The Bell County Republican Party’s Executive Committee is also filled with only volunteers; For example, the Precinct Chairs - who are the beginning and basis of the Republican Party and its platform.
Please get to know your Precinct Chair or volunteer to be one: click here (select “Republican Party Only”, then select “Precinct Chair”, then scroll down to “Bell”).
This link will help you find what precinct you live in: This link is subject to change due to ongoing redistricting. The link to the main Bell Country elections map webpage is here.
The Bell County Community and Republican Party’s current challenges and future are so important to me that I am willing to make this my full time job - reminder, this is a volunteer unpaid position and this aspect does not change while I am in office.
Please Early Vote: February 14 - 25, 2022. Your Vote has a greater impact in a local election so please do not wait until Election Day March 1st.
Quick Reference to learn more about Bell County Republican Party:
This link is subject to change due to ongoing redistricting. In this case, use the main webpage of Bell County
Information and Fairness Campaign for Temple, Texas and it's Extra Jurisdictional Territory
2019 Bell County Election Day Thank You
04 May 2019276 to 75
I led a 10 person campaign (Special Forces (SF)) team in an extremely grueling and formable challenge.
The threat had the advantage of over 20 years in preparation and ties to large sums and personal resources within the environment to be used to overwhelm our ingenuity.
Our mission was to motivate over 400 registered voters of some 9000+ to vote in a local election. Between 500 to 600 friendly individuals were contacted to vote with 8000 mailers used to saturate the field. The team succeeded in getting 351 to vote at a time when most in the community are ill and weak from the constant barrage of politics.
SF elements are not always successful but are always winners when camaraderie is maintained in a loss. “Advise Maintain Create”
Thank you so much team. You all performed flawlessly. As I said from the beginning “Only I can loose. You will learn more than you could ever expect. And I will mature with you.”
Those of us to be eminent domain, affected by subsidized housing, or taxed accordingly by this loss are honored by those who put yard signs on ‘your’ property and stood up with us. To all who voted, thank you for making your voices heard.
And to all the supporters around the world I am humbled to have served for I know you feel our pain and I your sorrow.
May those who were too politically ill and weak to make it to the polls be healed and strengthen. I can assist in strengthening you with information but fairness will never be achieved if you do not get involved and accept that politics is a part of living the American Dream.
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